Friday, December 31, 2010

looking back and forward

Tomorrow is a new year. Can you believe it? My mom and dad say that time flies the older you get and I am beginning to believe them. Really I am. By the end of the year days were flying by me and I was there but not really present and I didn't like that at all.

This year has been filled with many fun activities. We did tons of hiking and playing outside.... I think the frogs thought we were a permanent fixture at their pond this spring. We rode our bikes around town and had great fun. We went to the tree farm several times and on a trip to St. Louis that was loads of fun (minus the heat).

I created lots of "stuff", much of which I can't remember at this moment, but it was fun in the process.

For the next year....

I want:
- to be present more, not just occupying space. I want to be in the moment and enjoy the time that I have with my family and friends. Really listen and participate.
- to "be". I want to find time for me without feeling guilty for taking that time. Be it for reading or sewing or exercising or knitting or.....
- to travel.
- to keep going with karate.
- to finish a sweater for me that is wearable.
- laugh with family and friends.

oh the "I wants" could go on forever, I guess.

Take care. I'll see you in a few days.

1 comment:

Caffeine Girl said...

I second your resolution to be more present. I've been thinking a lot about that. But I haven't gotten beyond that yet. Happy new year!